It’s not the popular view, but higher inflation and higher interest rates are coming

know what I am about to suggest will go against the grain. But I am a value
investor and used to expressing a view that runs counter to the consensus.
June 10, the U.S. Federal Reserve indicated in very clear language there would
be no rate increase through 2021 and possibly 2022. Everyone, however, is
convinced that inflation and interest rates will remain low for much longer,
well beyond 2022. I beg to differ: Higher inflation and higher interest rates
are coming.
me explain. The nominal interest rate is the reward one expects for investing
in bonds. The reward has three parts: the real interest rate (reward for
postponing consumption for the future); the premium you get for expected
inflation (reward for possible loss of purchasing power); and the risk premium
(the reward for possible loss of capital). I will ignore the risk premium here,
as normally it does not apply when dealing with government bonds.
the short run, the real interest rate is driven by the business cycle. When the
economy expands, the real interest rate rises and when the economy contracts
the real rate falls. But its long-term trend is affected by factors that change
only slowly, namely technology and demographics.
the short run, inflation is driven by the heightened intensity of economic
activity and the pressures it entails, among other things, on productive
capacity and the labour and commodities markets. In the long run, it is taxes,
economic efficiency and productivity that affect inflationary expectations.
us now move from theory to practice.
developments are exerting an upward pressure on real interest rates. Baby
boomers have started to retire and have stopped saving; they are in their
decumulation years, which reduces the supply of investable funds. This happens
in the face of increased demand for capital by corporations that need to embed
new technologies into their production processes, as well as by governments
that need to borrow to fund structural deficits. To clear the demand-supply
imbalance, the real interest rate trend is pushed up.
COVID-19 related collapse of the business cycle has pushed the real interest
rate in the short run well below its long-term trend. This gives the false
impression that the real rate is falling, when it is only the short-term real
rate that is falling – the underlying trend is still upward.
inflation in the short run is not going up because of COVID-19 and for reasons
beyond the scope of this article, such as technology and corporate
concentration, which limit price increases and wage growth. But the
long-term trend may be more worrisome. We may be reaching a peak in
productivity growth as baby boomers retire and are replaced by less-experienced
workers who will nevertheless be in high demand. These workers will demand
higher wages. This means higher inflation down the road. Consider, also, the
effect on inflation of higher taxes to mend systemic inequalities and to fund
the enormous COVID-19 induced deficits.
In addition, there may be secular changes in place
that will fuel inflation (and higher interest rates). Globalization and
outsourcing have kept inflation and consumer prices low since 1990. COVID-19
has raised serious questions about the security of supply chains. U.S.
corporations may not be willing to manufacture their products in far-off places
much longer. If globalization is interrupted, the disinflation unleashed by it
will end. Moreover, repatriating production to the United States will increase
demand for American labour and push wages – and inflation – higher, as
companies pass such increases on to consumers. There is historical precedent to
this. As financial historian Edward Chancellor observed: “When trading links
frayed at the close of the 19th century, the great Victorian bond bull market
came to an end.”
Are trading links unravelling nowadays, considering
the U.S.-led trade wars and a possible re-election of Donald Trump?
If secular trends are in place, there will be
little governments and central bankers can do to keep interest rates low.
Efforts to fight the trend will not end well.
What will this mean for one’s investments?
The worst affected securities will be nominal
bonds. Real estate benefits from higher inflation, but it is hurt by higher
interest rates and so they will not be affected as severely as bonds. As for
stocks, higher interest rates and higher wages will have a double-whammy
negative effect.
However, the impact will not be felt as severely in
all sectors of the economy. Good quality companies that can pass on costs to
consumers will be mostly fine; smaller stocks and growth stocks will be
adversely affected the most. The lower inflation and lower interest rates of
the past 10 years have benefited growth stocks the most and affected value
stocks adversely. Will the scale tilt now on the side of value stocks? I
believe under this scenario, we will see value stocks outperforming growth
* George
Athanassakos is a professor of finance and holds the Ben Graham chair in value
investing at the Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario.
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